miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Roisin Byrne

Throughout the months of April, May and June 2010 the artist R. Byrne became besotted with the idea of being a piece of work. Presenting herself  to the highly acclaimed Mr. Santiago Sierra enquiring after a work of his from 2000 Byrne travelled immediately to Spain. A work was removed a transfer made and Byrne came home transformed, 2010.
1x 20 cm black tattoed line removed from the back of one of the original 4 women used by Sierra in 2000 for 160cm line tattoed on the back of  4 people,  1 x 20 cm black tattoed line applied by Chus of Moo tattoo Salamanca the original tattoist for 160 cm line tattoed on the back of 4 people 2000, flight documents, hotel receipt for The Ritz Madrid, book, correspondense.

Roisin Byrne works the position of the artist to permeate the territories of Art and its properties examining Art and its relationships to forms of desire in a society of immaterial labour and luxury goods. Beyond the dry irony of appropriationand the poetics of post-conceptualismshe humorously and yet aggressively challenges the boundaries of how an artist is allowed to behave. Prodding and provoking to unravel the accepted rules that structure art and its associations with culturefreedom and independenceher work depicts the shift in art practice in which ideas become common property which can be invoked, adapted and absorbed. Web del artista

Here are some documentary images of the Santiago Sierra's work appropiated by artist Roisin Byrne:

Santiago Sierra. Línea de 160 cm. tatuada sobre cuatro personas,2000

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