domingo, 17 de abril de 2011


Last Minutes with ODEN from phos pictures on Vimeo.


ONE MORNING IN NYC from Daniela Hernandez Pedraza on Vimeo.

Boobs gum


La última nómina de Franco

Ya hemos hablado de las finanzas de Franco y sus ingresos extraordinarios con el alcohol, pero ahora tenemos una copia de su nómina de noviembre de 1975 (su última nómina). La suma de todos los conceptos (es curioso el valor de la Cruz de María Cristina, casi tanto como el sueldo) asciende a 168.477 ptas. que con las deducciones se quedaba en 154.710 ptas.

Para hacernos una idea del valor real de esa nómina os pondré algunos ejemplos de los precios de mediados de los 70:

Un televisor costaba 25.000 pesetas y un tocadiscos 6.388 pesetas.

El coche de moda era el Renault 5, en 1972, unas 131.810 pesetas. Un coche de gama alta tipo berlina familiar estaba en 1976 a 205.000 ptas.

Un piso en Madrid o Barcelona, de unos 80 metros, algo más de 2 millones de pesetas

El décimo la lotería de Navidad en 1977 nos costaba 2.000 pesetas y el premio era de 20.000.000 pesetas.

Última nómina de Franco

Última nómina de Franco

La última nómina de Franco escrito por Javier Sanz en: Historias de la Historia

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Jay Jay Johanson - She Doesn't Live Here Anymore (Official Video HQ)


Interview: Meet the Urban Hunters Who Created the ‘Hipster Traps’

Much like the urban hunters who’ve been silently setting up the NYC hipster traps, we’re semi-professional trackers too–practitioners of the fine arts in tracking someone down who’s done something of note somewhere on the Internet. I enjoy that pursuit. So imagine my astonishment when one of my Facebook friends–granted, we’ve connected because of a previous meme-y deed–owned up to the traps after the whole shi-bang blew up on Reddit!

So we got in touch. I asked a few questions. Behold, Williamsburg! Meet Jeff Greenspan and Hunter Fine, the urban hunters trapping hipsters and B&T types all across the city. These were answered over email, and they collaborated on the answers, so we’ll credit each one as JG/HF. Plus, below the jump, an exclusive video of smart hipsters avoiding the trap on Bedford ave.

FREEwilliamsburg: So, Jeff! You’re the urban hunter who’s placed hipster traps all over the city?

JG/HF: Yes, along with my friend my friend, Hunter Fine, we’ve started setting Urban Traps – the first ones aimed at hipsters.

FW: And who are you guys, exactly, when you’re not baiting the city’s ‘trustafarians’?

JG/HF: Just two guys with clearly too much free time on our hands. Actually, we both have jobs that keep us quite busy. We both work in the same building, and they make ads in this building. We help make those ads sometimes. But, we’re trying to transition into the Urban Hunting field. It’s a wide open field, with not too many competitors right now, but, there’s also not too much money in it. We hope that changes as people realize we can help them with their infestation problems when it comes to Hipsters, Bridge and Tunnel types, or any other subcultures that are pushing out the natural populace of an area. Also, social-scientists might be interested in studying some of the species we capture.

FW: Can you tell me a bit about the ideation of the traps? How’d this come about?

JG/HF: We saw a Wile E. Coyote cartoon and thought to ourselves, hey, why not.

FW: And then a Redditor snapped your pic. Was he random? Or did he know you? Are you gigaface?! [note: i asked this one before it came out gigaface was Will Simon].

JG/HF: INTERVIEW OVER! How dare you accuse us of being Giga-whatever-his-name-is. Actually, we met him that day and he’s a nice guy. His name is Will Simon. We had just set our first trap on Avenue A and 6th street. Within 5 minutes, Will walks by and asks us “is that a Hipster Trap?” which is exactly is what we hoped people would assume it was. He asked to take a pic with his phone, and within hours his pic had 250,000 hits on Reddit where it remained the top story for awhile. We were amazed.

FW: What’s it been like–seeing your traps all over the interwebs…and now, newspapers (Metro ran a front-page cover today)?

JG/HF: We were both shocked. Our moms would be shocked too, if someone could explain to them what Reddit and are.

FW: Where else have you placed the traps?

JG/HF: Besides the East village, all over Williamsburg and Greenpoint.

FW: What are all the items–the hipster bait–you’ve included across the city?

JG/HF: Neon sunglasses in assorted colors, Pabst Blue Ribbon, American Spirit Cigarettes (yellow and orange), a yellow fixed-gear bike chain, and a Holga camera.

FW: Did anyone see you doing that? If so, what was their reaction?

JG/HF: Lots of people. They all seemed to enjoy it and take pics.

FW: Have you caught any hipsters? What would you do to them if so!?

JG/HF: We caught one, and he was all like “dudes, I got caught by a hipster trap so long ago, before they were even made.”

FW: While we’re on the subject–Wikipedia defines a hipster as, “young people who try to imitate past countercultures in a way so as to seem cool, without actually sharing the ideals of the authentic counterculturists.” How do YOU define hipsters, and what, if any, is their role in modern society?

JG/HF: That’s why we’re doing this. To study hipsters and determine their societal worth. So far, we haven’t discovered any yet.

FW: So…is hipsterism over?

JG/HF: Hipsterism is over. If you want it.

FW: Thanks for answering the Q’s. Any parting words for an aspiring hipster hunter?

JG/HF: Thanks for talking with us, please be on the lookout for Bridge and Tunnel traps. If you have ideas for locations that need traps, or have a subculture infestation, please contact us at


discovered on (social image bookmarking)

Debra Winger and her German Shepherd

Debra Winger and her German Shepherd:

Unknown pleasures




Don't be the cloud



Selling Out for Street Artists Redux

Selling Out for Street Artists Redux:

Jake Dobkin took up the infographic gauntlet we threw at your feet yesterday with a smart chart about the degrees of selling out for street artists.

But I thought it would be more fun to add my annotations to Jake’s chart with my perspective on the hierarchy of selling out.


Chrissie Morris' shoes that have been described as 'jewels for the feet'.

read more


Somewhere - Sofia Coppola (2010)




The World’s Greatest GIF!

Post image for The World’s Greatest GIF!

May this GIF make your morning as happy as it made mine. Via: The Tomorrow Museum.

Jonas Mekas: As I was Moving Ahead, Occasionally I saw Brief Glimpses of...



“Viajar? Para viajar basta con existir. Voy de día a día, como de estación a estación, en el tren de mi cuerpo, o de mi destino, asomado a las calles y a las plazas, a los gestos y a los rostros, siempre iguales y siempre diferentes como, al final, lo son todos los paisajes. Si imagino, veo. ¿Qué más hago si viajo? Sólo la debilidad extrema de la imaginación justifica que haya que desplazarse para sentir.”

-Del libro del Desasociego de Fernando Pessoa-

(Gracias Eunice A.)

East Village

Original Polaroid of Keith Haring painting Grace Jones, signed by Andy Warhol.

Sold for $2,425.00 on eBay.

The Mummy!

Available here.

David Ford

Sculptures by David Ford.

sculptures by artist david ford

Everything is Everything by Koki Tanaka

New Subway Art

The L Magazine points out some rad artwork spotted on the G and M trains.

The artist is apparently someone named Jilly Ballistic. You can check out more examples of the work on Flickr.


Que jeta tiene la peña

Craiglist post

